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Aurora Science & Chasing: WEBINARS & SEMINARS

Aurora tourism and recreational activities have skyrocketed in the past decade. So much so that it has overtaken the amount of means put in aurora research, science communication and prediction. Subsequently, many people travel to see the lights or work in the industry of aurora chasing without the crucial elements to really understand what is going on or how to interpret the tools to use. There is rampant misinformation and misconception about the aurora and our mission is to try and rectify this in a way that uses the most accurate and advanced tools. 


We offer aurora science and chasing classes monthly for both beginners and more advanced chasers. Every month, we offer an online course (WEBINAR) for all levels. We can also deliver on-demand, 'physical session' called SEMINAR in the Tromsø area reserved for professional in the industry (aurora guiding companies, photographers...).


The goal of the class is to give you a visual and didactic understanding of how the aurora works, where it comes from and eventually how to chase it in the best way to never miss it. For professionals, it's also about communicating the right information to clients, especially when they have questions going off the beaten path. Not to mention time managing / working around the aurora. 

  • With whom?

Adrien Mauduit is an aurora and space weather expert, an experienced aurora chaser with 12 years of expertise in many countries like the USA, Canada, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland. He serves as a hub for space weather and aurora prediction for the locale of northern Norway. His aim is to expand the aurora chasing and space weather enthusiast community. Needless to say that you will be in good hands with his expertise and dedication! 

  • Where and when?

The WEBINAR is comprised of a series of 5 weekly sessions of 3 to 4 hours. We offer this course every month. We tend to offer them on Saturday afternoons at 1-4 PM (GMT+1), but we sometimes alternate with week days to accommodate everyone and as many time zones as possible. For those who still can't attend and still desire a full course, all our sessions are recorded and all participants get access to the recording.

SEMINARs in Tromsø is mostly spontaneous and depends on how many guides are interested. We have a meeting room at our disposal to offer the course to professionals. Opportunities will be published on our social media handles and if you don't want to miss the next one, please shoot us an email. 

  • How?

The course consists of five, weekly, 4-hour interactive sessions for a total of 20+ hoursThe online version of the class is held via Zoom. We will record the screen to allow you to go back on the course without worrying about taking notes and all participants will have access to the recording. The maximum number of participants for this course is 15 people to keep it dynamic and intimate. 

  • What?

The lecture includes several parts. We expand on how the aurora is created from the Sun to our atmosphere, how solar activity influences the geomagnetic activity, the importance of geomagnetic latitude and longitude, the characteristics of the aurora (shapes, colors, behavior), how we typically experience the aurora during the course of a night, what is the best place and time, how to predict it and read the solar wind and ground-based data. We also go over many useful tips and tricks so that you never miss the elusive phenomenon.  All of the information is smartly connected and offers you a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand insight on aurora science and chasing. You will be provided with some of the best home-made visuals in the field to grasp the phenomenon! 

Here's a full overview of what the course entails. As the course is actually worth much more than what is captured here, some of the subjects might be brushed over and some other developed more depending on the attendees' need.  

  • Prerequisites of physics – plasma, magnetism, electricity, intro to the 4 levels (60 mins)



  • Level 1 - The Sun & the corona: introduction to heliophysics 


Physical and chemical structure of the Sun, magnetic configuration of the Sun leading to the solar activity and cycles. 

Features of the photosphere

Features of the chromosphere (Br, Ar, loops, prominences / filaments, CH)

Solar events

Birth of the solar wind

3D structure of the solar wind


  • Level 2 – The interplanetary space, transient events, the solar wind 


Monitoring the IPS

Recognizing and understanding transient events in the solar wind (SBCs, IPs, HSSs, CIRs, SIRs, ICMEs) 


  • Level 3 – The geomagnetosphere: structure & dynamics 


Structure & shape of the magnetosphere

Coupling of IMF and geomagnetic field: the Magnetospheric Convection Cycle (Dungey Cycles)

Magnetospheric disturbances and particle precipitation

Magnetospheric response: directly driven and loading/unloading events

The magnetospheric substorm 

The special case of geomagnetic storms

  • Level 4 – The ionosphere, ionospheric currents & auroral phenomena 


Composition of the ionosphere & the aurora as a layered phenomenon

The auroral oval / electrojet

L-shells, magnetic mapping, Auroral zones and geomagnetic coordinates

Geo-effectiveness and geomagnetic activity 

The Auroral Substorm

Differences between CME, CIR and CHHSS induced substorms

Measuring and monitoring the geomagnetic activity (Magnetometers, magnetograms, K index, Kp, AE, Dst indices)

Manifestation of geomagnetic storms in aurora

Visualizing the aurora: auroral structures and colors



  • 3 step workflow with tools to use (most already seen in chapter 1)

  • Detail of the tools (most already seen in chapter 1)

  • Case study 



  • Gear

  • Planning

  • Camera setup and settings

  • Taking the picture

  • Filming the aurora​


  • Practical

One online session costs NOK 3000 for the whole 12-hour course purchased once as you book. All four sessions will appear in the booking calendar, but you should only book ONCE! 


The physical lecture (in Tromsø) costs NOK 1500 with a discount (50% off the third person from the same company, 20% off for each person from a same company attending above or equal 5). By proceeding with the booking you are accepting the terms of payment for the class (no refund policy because we offer alternatives every month!). 

PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING: By purchasing the course, you agree to our terms and conditions regarding refunds / cancellations policies and IP. 

(1) Cancellation up to 72 hours prior to the course possible with partial refund (50%). 

(2) No FULL refunds once the session is booked. 

(3) No cancellation/refund possible after that the 72-hour time limit.

(4) Access to the recording will be available with a special private link at the attendant's sole discretion. It will be reviewable but not downloadable to protect our intellectual property and the privacy of other attendants. 

(5) No figures or text created by the author for this course may be used in any other way than the private home (private use) without the author's prior written consent. 

Read all our customers reviews and testimonials 


Latest reviews: 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5 total)

'' I attended Adrien's webinar about the mechanism of our natural sky firework: the Aurora. The course was super good, with good explanations and well-designed illustrations to help you understand what is really going on. For aurora lovers, this is a must! You will learn how to better predict them, understand what you see, and decide if it's time to go home or stay in the field. (for my case, I missed some aurora, but now that I've taken the course, this won't happen again!) Also, for those who are keen to know what really happens aurora-wise in our interplanetary space and on earth, this course delivers enough informations to have a blast learning about the physics behind it. Adrien teaches in a very pedagogical and passionate way and takes time to answer questions. If you hesitate to take the course, just do it; you won't regret it! For me, certainly not the last time. And a big plus: the course is recorded, so you can have a look over and over again to really internalize everything! Thank you a lot, Adrien!'' Julien (August 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I attended Adrien’s Aurora on-line workshop in Summer ’23. It was definitely worth it, on every level. We studied every topic about aurora, theoretical, practical, with case studies and useful tips for the field (planning your travel and sessions and even how to photograph aurora). I feel like I saved thousands of money, attending this course, because now I will be able to plan a travel and a session by myself, avoiding unnecessary travel. Adrien is a great teacher, very helpful and always willing to clarify all concepts. I would recommend anyone interested in the aurora phenomenon to attend this course, it will be a lifelong investment. Many false myths about the aurora are spread online and on social networks. I assure you that by following this course you will be able to distinguish what is reliable in all this information. Thanks a lot Adrien for everything, see you in the Arctic.'' Emanuele. D. (August 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''I attended Adrien’s workshop virtually. The classes were very informative and complete. Adrien is a friendly, patient and good presenter who is willing to stop and take questions which he answers and makes sure the answer is understood. He provides lots of downloadable resources. I am in a quiet aurora zone right now but I will definitely be re-visiting the resources once I get a little closer to seeing aurora again. A very worthwhile investment.'' Greg (April 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''What an expert!!! I booked the „aurora webinar“ in march - four days of 3,5 Hours with an extra day (4 hours) for case studies and questions. The webinar was great! I am not an aurora guide; I just booked it for fun and to understand all the things for my next adventures and (hopefully) for the aurora in Germany 😅 Adrien is an excellent guide and teacher. He explained a lot of things in detail that leads to an aurora. Beginning from the sun, to the CME and the magnetosphere/ionosphere of the earth. The webinar will be recorded so you can learn it self-paced and watch it multiple times. Although I am not an native English speaker, I could follow him easily! I definitely recommend the webinar - especially for every aurora guide! Thank you Adrien for your time and passionate webinar!!!'' Isa (April 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''Adrien is an excellent photographer, very friendly and pedagogical. We had a great evening and managed to take some beautiful photos thanks to his guidance.
He had chosen a wonderful location near Tromso, not the first we had planned because he was able to adapt at the last moment to changeable weather.
I hope to be able to come back another year to redo a field workshop with him.'' Sebastien C (March 2023)💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''This was my first but definitely not last class with Adrien. His knowledge and passion for the subject just oozes out of him and that's exactly what makes him a great teacher for anyone who wants to see and learn everything Aurora/ Northern Lights. I will be back!'' Marc Blum 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''We had the chance to meet Adrien and we took an „aurora photo workshop“ to learn how to take pics with our 10yrs old cams. We both were newbies in manual photography and he gave us in very simple steps the right keys to success in the night when lady aurora showed up.

We are so proud, that we were able to catch some good shots by each one of ourselves! We’ll be back and take some more photoworkshops with island excursions next winter! Thank you Adrien, we appreciated your patience with us and your support to learn so easily the aurora photography!''

Best regards from Switzerland, 
Sasha & Veronica
💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''Had the greatest pleasure of meeting this amazing artist. Took a workshop on night photography under him and learned so much. Not only is he exceptionally talented but is also generous with his knowledge.'' Sweetie de Leon Gonzales 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

Read all our customers reviews and testimonials 


Latest reviews: 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5 total)

''The Aurora Chasing webinar provided by Adrien is an absolute must for those who want to improve their game to the next level. It's amazing the way he transmitted us some of his knowledge (and I say some, because it's next to impossible to learn all he obviously knows in just a month). His availability was something to praise as well. The flexibility of watching the videos where and whenever you want after the live zoom sessions are also an advantage, since one can attend the course at his one pace.'' Renato (November 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''The Aurora science and chasing webinar from Adrien is very good. The goal of this course is to explain the complicated processes and dynamics which are involved. Adrian is very passionate to explain how everything is connected, so you’re getting a better understanding. He make many analogies to other more relatable parts of our lives. Having the recoding of the sessions is very helpful, it lets you revisit topics and helps to get a better understanding, since there’s a lot of information. The case studies from past events was very interesting and helpful to get a better understanding of the behavior. Learning what one magnetometer can tell you multiple as in a stack plot is good to know. Knowing what that different solar event will produce different auroras and that they can be very local or broad events is important.'' Thomas (2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''  As an amateur photographer I'd like to begin my review with an analogy: the Aurora Chasing webinar (I took in August) is pretty much like Photoshop, it gives you a pretty wide variety of tools -one more helpful than another- needed to chase the Aurora properly. At first some of them might be difficult to understand, learn and master, but just like Photoshop... practice makes perfect. By listening to the lessons -which are conveniently recorded- again and again all the dots connect. It's indeed a course for everyone passionate about Aurora, even though not a chaser; definitely recommended.'' Fabio  (August 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''  As an amateur northern lights chaser I researched various methods to learn more about the science of the aurora but I never really found intuitive resources.
That is when I discovered Adrien’s course and decided to take it. I was astonished by how intuitive it was to follow the lectures. Every chapter is linked by a common thread which makes the course more like a story to follow. Adrien was always there to clarify and help other attendees going the extra mile to make sure all of us understood!''
Hugo  (April 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''  I followed the Aurora webinar a few weeks ago and I'm really satisfied. Adrien explains in a really clear and careful way. I am not a native English speaker, but it was very easy to understand his pronunciation and acquire the knowledge. The course is really complete and well done, I had the opportunity to put into practice what I learned on an aurora hunting trip a few weeks ago and it was amazing. I absolutely recommend the course!'' Letizia  (February 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' The webinar we were looking for. If you are interested in knowing the why, the how and the where about auroras, this is your course.'' Nicolás (January 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I can't thank Adrien enough for this course and the information it covers. Adrien is highly qualified and dedicated to Space Weather as well as the Aurora. It is so good of him to share his life experience and valuable knowledge with the general public. He is such a good teacher and everything is so well explained. Adrien goes the extra mile to make sure you understand all of the syllabus. This is course is such good value for money for the time he gave to the group. The hardest part is finding time but make sure you make time! I think it is great that the course is recorded incase you can't make it on the day and it is also there to revise. I also need to mention all of his information is genuine and comes from reliable sources - the scientists themselves. If you are thinking about taking this course, don't think just do it! Worth every penny!!!'' Brinton (January 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I joined the Aurora course because I feel so passionate about the Northern Lights and wanna know everything about it. I have no scientific background (just a girl who loves the Northern Lights) but thanks to the way Adrien explained it and the amazing slides with gorgeous visual representations I could understand everything. And for sure I will go through the recordings to consolidate my knowledge. You really feel in every sentence how passionate Adrien is about the Northern Lights and teaching about it. He really gives that spark to all the attendees and wanna make us understand everything. I can recommend the course to everyone who loves the Aurora. The course is a fit for everyone, no matter if you are a professional tour guide or you just plan your first trip to the north. I also love that Adrien gives super valuable infos about Aurora / Nightsky photography. Tusen takk!!!'' Tanja (January 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I work myself as a Northern Lights guide in Tromsø, and have done it for years, but I decided to take Adrien's Aurora Chasing Online Webinar to get an even deeper knowledge about every single step and detail that comes into the creation of the Aurora.
Working as a guide often allows very little time left to concentrate too much on the scientific aspect of the Aurora, since we guides have to focus on many things like driving, photography and giving our guests the best experience possible. But I found priceless to learn more about space and auroral science thanks to the very detailed explanations of Adrien, who never hesitated to do steps back in case someone attending the course had questions etc. The material he provides on the course is created by himself and extremely well crafted.
So, if you want to know everything about how the Northern Lights are created, what to look for if you're chasing them and how to predict them better, Adrien's courses are the best option you can find, worldwide.
He also organises field workshops, which will make the whole experience even more complete, from the school table to the action part :)''
Nico (December 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' Adrien's huge experience and scientific understanding are impressive. Outstanding webinar - a must for any photographer!'' Urs (January 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I participated in the Aurora Chasing webinar and I can only say good things about both the course and Adrien. The explanations are clear and precise, the course is well organised and you can tell that Adrien is passionate about what he teaches. With such a great communicator I can only recommend the webinar :)' Joan (January 2024) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' The best way to finally understand how the Aurora works, is created and how to chase it! Adrian is a really really good teacher and knows how to explain even complex things in a easy way so everybody understands. He is really pacient, has extemly lots of knowledge about the Aurora. And mostly he really cares that everybody understands. You can feel his own passion, excitement and experience about the Aurora which makes the course so unique and fun ☺️ I would recommend to course to everyone who is interested in the Aurora, physics or space weather. You gonna love it for sure!'' Luisa (September 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I attended Adrien's webinar about the mechanism of our natural sky firework: the Aurora. The course was super good, with good explanations and well-designed illustrations to help you understand what is really going on. For aurora lovers, this is a must! You will learn how to better predict them, understand what you see, and decide if it's time to go home or stay in the field. (for my case, I missed some aurora, but now that I've taken the course, this won't happen again!) Also, for those who are keen to know what really happens aurora-wise in our interplanetary space and on earth, this course delivers enough informations to have a blast learning about the physics behind it. Adrien teaches in a very pedagogical and passionate way and takes time to answer questions. If you hesitate to take the course, just do it; you won't regret it! For me, certainly not the last time. And a big plus: the course is recorded, so you can have a look over and over again to really internalize everything! Thank you a lot, Adrien!'' Julien (August 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

'' I attended Adrien’s Aurora on-line workshop in Summer ’23. It was definitely worth it, on every level. We studied every topic about aurora, theoretical, practical, with case studies and useful tips for the field (planning your travel and sessions and even how to photograph aurora). I feel like I saved thousands of money, attending this course, because now I will be able to plan a travel and a session by myself, avoiding unnecessary travel. Adrien is a great teacher, very helpful and always willing to clarify all concepts. I would recommend anyone interested in the aurora phenomenon to attend this course, it will be a lifelong investment. Many false myths about the aurora are spread online and on social networks. I assure you that by following this course you will be able to distinguish what is reliable in all this information. Thanks a lot Adrien for everything, see you in the Arctic.'' Emanuele. D. (August 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''I attended Adrien’s workshop virtually. The classes were very informative and complete. Adrien is a friendly, patient and good presenter who is willing to stop and take questions which he answers and makes sure the answer is understood. He provides lots of downloadable resources. I am in a quiet aurora zone right now but I will definitely be re-visiting the resources once I get a little closer to seeing aurora again. A very worthwhile investment.'' Greg (April 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''What an expert!!! I booked the „aurora webinar“ in march - four days of 3,5 Hours with an extra day (4 hours) for case studies and questions. The webinar was great! I am not an aurora guide; I just booked it for fun and to understand all the things for my next adventures and (hopefully) for the aurora in Germany 😅 Adrien is an excellent guide and teacher. He explained a lot of things in detail that leads to an aurora. Beginning from the sun, to the CME and the magnetosphere/ionosphere of the earth. The webinar will be recorded so you can learn it self-paced and watch it multiple times. Although I am not an native English speaker, I could follow him easily! I definitely recommend the webinar - especially for every aurora guide! Thank you Adrien for your time and passionate webinar!!!'' Isa (April 2023) 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''Adrien is an excellent photographer, very friendly and pedagogical. We had a great evening and managed to take some beautiful photos thanks to his guidance.
He had chosen a wonderful location near Tromso, not the first we had planned because he was able to adapt at the last moment to changeable weather.
I hope to be able to come back another year to redo a field workshop with him.''
Sebastien C (March 2023)💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''This was my first but definitely not last class with Adrien. His knowledge and passion for the subject just oozes out of him and that's exactly what makes him a great teacher for anyone who wants to see and learn everything Aurora/ Northern Lights. I will be back!'' Marc Blum February 2022 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''We had the chance to meet Adrien and we took an „aurora photo workshop“ to learn how to take pics with our 10yrs old cams. We both were newbies in manual photography and he gave us in very simple steps the right keys to success in the night when lady aurora showed up.

We are so proud, that we were able to catch some good shots by each one of ourselves! We’ll be back and take some more photoworkshops with island excursions next winter! Thank you Adrien, we appreciated your patience with us and your support to learn so easily the aurora photography!''

Best regards from Switzerland, 
Sasha & Veronica, March 2021 
💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)

''Had the greatest pleasure of meeting this amazing artist. Took a workshop on night photography under him and learned so much. Not only is he exceptionally talented but is also generous with his knowledge.'' Sweetie de Leon Gonzales 💚💚💚💚💚 (5/5)


PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING: By purchasing/booking this service, you agree to the following terms and conditions

(1) The service (course) provided implies that the client gets access to material and data created and copyrighted by Night Lights Films in the form of video recording and individual figures or texts. 

(2) The material and data are intended only for the individual purchasing the service. It should be understood that the access to the service and material is limited to one person per purchase (one license). It means that if a group of several people want to gain access to the service and material, each individual of the group should purchase one license item.

(3) The service and material provided are reserved for the use in the context of the private home (one license) or corporate (if several licenses are purchased for a group).

(4) None of the recordings, figures, text, images or any data related to the course may be copied, altered, used, shared, distributed, retailed or transferred in any way other than the intended way cited in (2) and (3) without the author's prior written consent. More specifically, it implies that a course participant may not copy, share, distribute, sell or transfer the course to any other individual or company, which have not bought license(s) for this purpose and for the exact number of recipients. 

(5) There is no refund policy. Once a license is purchased, it cannot be refunded in any way.

(6) Failure to comply with these important intellectual property conditions once one or several individuals purchase license(s) and therefore agree to these terms and conditions, will result in legal actions. 

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